Because We all have stories!!!

Where we come from?

Let us say, the author here is not one person. I maybe the person who pens down the stories, but the real creators of these stories are the people around us.

Each one of you out there in this world has his or her own story. For me , the beginning of this portal is nothing less than an attempt to heal myself. The sorrow and darkness that I got from my life, something that forced me to put my rage in a right direction. For most of the people, these stories would be source of entertainment, for others like me this could be a ray of hope. Something that might help someone who is struggling at the moment to find out the way out of all the troubles. 

These stories are not only mine, but also from the people who found me trustworthy and shared their owns. Thanks to all of you for allowing me to share your life experiences with the world. You all are gems and have courage to be what you want to be.


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Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in exact original.

Undesired Wishes...
Most of our lives me keep on killing our desires for the sake of other's happiness. But, at some point in the life we do realize the outcome of all these sacrifices. And, then is the time when we take a pause and reflect on the phases of our lives to understand what we did, why we did and was it really necessary to do it?
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untold story of my life

It is said that people see your success and admire it, but not all see the struggle you went through and courage you had to come this far. Every successful person has a story behind their success or failure. These stories become guidelines for the others to follow and get themselves prepared for any challenges that life may throw on them.

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All we need is a Diary
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